The challenge: demystify the Metaverse. Explore the strategies traditional business owners and brands can use to provide value to their audiences by leveraging the Sandbox tools, community, and economy.

Project Work by The Sandbox

Brief description

Use the Game Maker and/ or VoxEdit in a way that showcases how a traditional business or brand could use the available tools to engage their community.

How would you cater to non-gamers, and those unfamiliar with gaming and virtual worlds, to participate in contributing to The Sandbox metaverse?

This could be a business of the groups design, or they could choose an existing company or brand they feel would benefit from a presence in The Sandbox.

In both cases, the suggestion is the groups approach their research, planning, and execution, with an intention to publish their experience in the metaverse. In the case of building with a specific company in mind, this could include pitching to the company or brand on why they should take up the opportunity.

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Project Work Goal

The Sandbox as one of the main metaverse blockchain based project, with MasterZ Project Work would like to assess the ecosystem and identify innovative ways to utilize the tools to creatively provide value in the economy. If any talent produces erudite documentation that clearly articulates the approach to their build, backed by both video and text, then they could be considered for a position in content production for the Academy.

Project Work Guidelines

Use research and your experience to establish a use case. Put that plan into practise by delivering a final product using Game Maker and VoxEdit. Document your process by video and text to report on your findings.

Articulate why your particular approach to design and implementation would draw and retain an audience.

The aim is to demystify the Metaverse. Explore the strategies traditional business owners and brands can use to provide value to their audiences by leveraging the Sandbox tools, community, and economy.

Stress test the perspective that early adopters of Web 3.0 environments are better positioned to maximise their impact as the space grows, and help to shape the direction of emerging opportunities and industries.

Identify any bottlenecks, or issues during the development of your project. If there is an argument for inefficiencies and suggestions for improvements then report on the pitfalls as well as the benefits to be considered when entering the space.

Useful advice

Be creative, implement the Paper with pages dedicated to Business, Finance and Legal aspects, highlight your background and your skills that you have learned during MasterZ.