Table of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 What is The Sandbox
1.2 What is Treedom
2 The partnership
3 Treedom - Strategic Plan
3.1 The Target
4 Treedom NFTs
4.1 NFT - Creation & costs
4.2 NFT types
5 Tokenomics
6 Game level target and ENV tokens
7 Treedom Game
7.1 Level 1 - Find and recycle waste
7.2 Level 2 - Kill the environmental enemies
8 The team


What is The Sandbox

Initially started in 2012 as a two-dimensional pixel art style project, in 2018 The Sandbox started developing a new version of the game: a 3D, multiplayer platform using blockchain technology (namely, Ethereum) to offer a virtual world where players can build, own, and monetize their gaming experiences. Although currently being in the Alpha phase, the game’s economics are already working and the platform is attracting more than 30,000 monthly active users! Aimed at creating a community-driven and decentralised gaming ecosystem, The Sandbox has already entered into several partnerships with some of the world’s top-tier brands and influencers (among the others, Atari, Adidas, SnoopDogg), succeeding in establishing itself as one of the indiscussed leaders in the Metaverse space.

What is Treedom

Treedom is the first platform in the world that allows you to plant a tree from a distance and follow its story online. Treedom trees are planted by local farmers settled in various parts of the southern hemisphere. In this way, Treedom combines both environmental purposes and support to the local populations involved in the various projects, in the form of funding, technical training, assistance and careful agroforestry activity, creating sustainable ecosystems and increasing the productivity of crops and livestock. Every tree on Treedom is geo-localized and comes with its specific online page. All of these features make a Treedom tree a perfect idea for presents, but also an extremely engaging product for any kind of customer (including B2B). It must be for all these reasons that the company has already sold more than 1 million trees since its incorporation in 2010.

The Partnership

Our project will establish a win-win partnership by bringing mutual benefits to both The Sandbox and Treedom, in terms of marketing, growth and ultimately revenues:

  • Treedom will boost its brand awareness by engaging with a younger target and by establishing itself as a cutting-edge company and first mover, becoming a sustainability pioneer in the Metaverse.
  • Sustainability represents one of the most discussed topics in today’s Blockchain arena. The Sandbox, besides increasing its portfolio partnerships and active users on the platform, will have the opportunity to affirm its commitment to environmental issues, enhancing its social responsibility. There is no doubt that this represents a huge opportunity for the project, also in light of its recent move from Ethereum to Polygon.

Treedom - Strategic plan

In order to establish itself as a sustainability pioneer in the metaverse, a traditional company like Treedom will need to implement an accurate strategic plan, with a strong focus on digital marketing. In addition to the more traditional social media such as Instagram and Facebook, Treedom should focus its communication efforts on the most popular channels used within the blockchain and crypto space (currently not covered), namely:

  • Twitter: for brand awareness purposes
  • Telegram/Discord: to engage with the community The company website will also need to be adapted in order to implement the marketplace-related initiatives we’ll discuss later in this report.

The target

Since in our proposed collection the ownership of a Treedom NFT means the ownership of a real tree that will be planted and vice versa, Treedom will speak to 2 different target audiences:

  • The NFT “early adopters”, which will buy Treedom products in the form of NFTs on The Sandbox (or on the secondary market, such as OpenSea).
  • Treedom’s “traditional customers”: people who will buy one or more seeds on the Treedom website for a limited period of time and that will be able to claim the respective NFT version of it on The Sandbox.

Treedom will then need to increase its awareness following two directions: on one side, awareness of its business and brand within the NFT “early adopters” (people who already have experience with Metaverse and blockchain technology in general) who may never heard about it; on the other side, awareness of what is The Sandbox and the added value that Treedom aims to bring to its customers and the benefits to the environment issue entering into this platform.

Treedom NFTs

In this case study, NFTs will be the digital representation of a given seed, certifying ownership of the same in real life. In this way, the NFT attached to the purchased seed is nothing more than a digital certificate that testifies the ownership of the tree in the real world.

NFT Creation & costs

Standard ERC-1155 will be used for the NFT. In order to mint the total supply of the NFTs and implement its game on The Sandbox, Treedom will need to buy a land on The Sandbox and pay creators in order to use VoxEdit and GameMaker. Creators will be remunerated by both Treedom and The Sandbox (this latter will be paid in SAND).

NFT Types

Based on species of trees existing on the Treedom website (and their different price ranges), our collection will be made of 3 kinds of seed NFTs, namely:

- Banan tree;

- Lime tree;

- Neem tree;

Each of these trees will be characterised by 3 different stages of life, i.e.:

  • Seed stage;
  • Tree stage;
  • Legendary tree stage.

The user can purchase the seeds on Treedom’s website and redeem their NFTs by logging onto The Sandbox, or they can directly purchase the NFTs on The Sandbox’s marketplace.


In this limited collection, seed NFTs of the three different types of trees will be created with a different level of rarity (and floor price):

Total NFT supply = 1.000

Tree 1 - Banan: 50% of total NFT supply (500)

Tree 2 - Lime: 35% of total NFT supply (350)

Tree 3 - Neem: 15% of total NFT supply (150)

As it’s shown, the rarity of a given NFT is only linked to the type of tree in question. Please note that the total supply is not linked to the stages a tree can reach, but only to the species of the three itself. Since the users will need to spend a lot of time on the platform and playing the different levels, we expect the legendary stage tree to become extremely rare, with potential high value on the secondary market.

A total of 7 game levels will be implemented, in order to make the experience the most dynamic and interactive (more details can be found in the next paragraph). Each time a given level is successfully completed, players will receive a certain amount of points, which will be called “Environment tokens” (ENV)and will be directly claimable. The amount of ENV obtained will vary based on the level completion and the score achieved in terms of kills, deaths, time to complete, etc…

The utility of ENV tokens is to allow the burn of the original NFT seed in order to get the NFT of the next stage of life. After claiming the required amount of ENV tokens in the wallet, there will be an automatic burn of the held NFT, which will be transformed into the NFT of the next stage of life. Moreover, once a user owns the legendary tree NFT, he can collect the ENV tokens and then use it on the Treedom’s marketplace to buy/plant other real trees of the species owned in the NFT version. The amount of ENV required to buy/plant a real tree will be defined by both The Sandbox and Treedom.

As of today the first 2 game levels have already been developed and they will be playable by the seed stage NFT holders. After a seed NFT reaches the stage of the tree, levels from 3 to 6 will become available to play in order to gain the necessary amount of tokens to reach the legendary tree stage. Once a player holds a legendary tree stage NFT he will be able to play in the 7th and last level, which will be characterised by even more exclusive and engaging features.

Game level target and ENV tokens

Seed stage:
Level 1: Each time Level 1 is successfully completed, users can get from 1 to 5 ENV tokens. Level 2: Each time Level 2 is successfully completed, users can get from 1 to 7 ENV tokens.

Tree stage:
Level 3: Each time Level 3 is successfully completed, users can get from 1 to 10 ENV tokens. Level 4: Each time Level 4 is successfully completed, users can get from 1 to 15 ENV tokens. Level 5: Each time Level 5 is successfully completed, users can get from 1 to 20 ENV tokens. Level 6: Each time Level 6 is successfully completed, users can get from 1 to 25 ENV tokens.

Legendary tree stage:
Level 7: Each time Level 7 is successfully completed, users can get from 1 to 30 ENV tokens.

As it’s shown below, each species of tree (banan, lime, neem) requires different amounts of ENV tokens to unlock the next tree’s stage.

Tree stage: After claiming 100 ENV tokens there will be the automatic burn of the seed NFT, which will reach the Tree stage.
Legendary tree stage: unlocked with the same mechanism after collecting 300 ENV tokens.

Tree stage: After claiming 200 ENV tokens there will be the automatic burn of the seed NFT, which will reach the Tree stage.
Legendary tree stage: unlocked with the same mechanism after collecting 600 ENV tokens.

Tree stage: After claiming 500 ENV tokens there will be the automatic burn of the seed NFT, which will reach the Tree stage.
Legendary tree stage: unlocked with the same mechanism after collecting 1.000 ENV tokens.

Treedom Game

The game will be structured in various levels, with increasing difficulty. In order to play the game, users must have bought a Treedom NFT.

Level 1 - Find and recycle waste

Demo Video: https://youtu.be/T11aSW2W5CQ

The level is set in a polluted forest, due to the presence of waste, with abandoned cars and buses. Players can help to preserve the environment by collecting the waste present and eliminating the enemies that have contributed to the pollution. The level is passed by completing the following QUESTS and reaching point 4 (see map below)

  • 1° QUEST: collect 4 types of the following waste (a, b, c and d) = 5 waste;
  • 2° QUEST: collect remaining type of waste (e) = 2 waste.

Characteristic elements of the level:

  • Presence of polluted plants that release a liquid that is harmful to health (white arrow) Mechanical waste (yellow arrow);
  • The waste created radioactive monsters to kill to get to the bin (blue arrow next to point 4);
  • Doors that open after passing the first QUEST (point 2 and 3).


  1. Starting point;
  2. Door to get to the waste basket for the end of the level;
  3. Door to get to the waste basket for the end of the level;
  4. Trash to finish the level;
    a. Car Wheel Tires (Quest 1);
    b. Cartoons;
    c. Wood;
    d. Water bottle (NFT created by us);
    e. Car Wheel Tires (Quest 2).

- Red arrow: enemies that will disturb the player in collecting garbage;
- White arrow: trees to be saved due to pollution;
- Yellow arrow: abandoned car and bus;
- Blue arrow: monsters created by pollution that will disturb the player during the second Quest and surround the arrival point represented by the bin.

Level 2 - Kill the environmental enemies

Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEVZ3XemBGo

The level is set in a village, inside which the enemies want to cut down trees and kill the animals. Two fundamental elements for human life.

The level is passed by completing the following QUESTS and reaching point 2 (see map below):

1° QUEST: Kill all the enemies present (11 enemies, red arrow), who attack the plants (c) in order to save them;
2° QUEST: Collect two collectibles (a.b);
3° QUEST: 80% of the plants must remain alive, ie 6 plants (c) out of the 7 present within the Land (currently not implementable).


  1. Starting point;
  2. End point;
    a. Victory Trigger Collectibles;
    b. Plants to save (6).

- Red arrow: enemies;
- Yellow arrow: citizens;
- Blue arrow: animals attacked by enemies of the environment.

The team

Strategy team:

Ginevra Maggi –> Connect on Linkedin
Claudio Costantino –> Connect on Linkedin
Riccardo Milanesi –> Connect on Linkedin
Luigi Varriale –> Connect on Linkedin

Developer team:

Anna Lamboglia –> Connect on Linkedin
Ludovico Besana –> Connect on Linkedin
Antonio Andreoli –> Connect on Linkedin